RabbitMQ evolution with OpenSIPS 2.3

RabbitMQ is a powerful and widely used tool for message queuing integrations. And the usage of such a tool requires a more flexible support from OpenSIPS. Let's see what 2.3 has to offer when comes to RabbitMQ based integration. RabbitMQ is an open source message queuing/broker server, used by applications to publish messages on one side and consume them on the other … Continue reading RabbitMQ evolution with OpenSIPS 2.3

Introducing OpenSIPS 2.3

A new year has arrived, so it is the time for a new OpenSIPS major release - for OpenSIPS version 2.3 . For this version, the main focus on development is the "integration", the integration of OpenSIPS with various external entities. Why is integration so important to end up being the main tag of a major … Continue reading Introducing OpenSIPS 2.3